Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Anyone else think Lori is a little slutty on The Walking Dead?

I mean here's Rick in a coma, than Shane tells her that he's dead and the next thing you know they're screwing like crazy. Am I the only one that thinks that maybe something was going on between them BEFORE the dead started walking? Who really goes from grieving to grinding in such a short amount of time anyways?

What do you think?|||So...there was a scene at the beginning of an episode recently maybe 2-3 episodes ago...where she was picking her son up from school and talking with a friend..and she mentions that she's not sure if she's still in love with Rick. So yes, they were having problems BEFORE the dead started walking. Now, I don't think she was having an affair with Shane prior to that but...if you already have problems in your relationship it does make it easy to fall into the arms of someone else. And in such a crazy situation, it's not unlikely that she craved the stability and safe feeling that Shane gave her.

I dont' think she's 'slutty'....I just think she's super irresponsible. I know that when you think you might die tomorrow...maybe you'd think hey...I'll get it in when I can, but it was irresponsible for her to have un-protected sex. Becoming pregnant in a situation like the one they are in is ridiculous. At least Glen is using condoms. LOL. And, I'll second The Tall Man's opinion that I can do without Andrea....gosh I hate her so much!|||no-not at all---they are living in an entirely different world -one we couldn't even comprehend,so you have to realize that you adapt to that world--it's not like she is sleeping with everyone--just Shane and only when she really believed Rick was dead-also Shane saved her and Carls life--so deep down maybe she does love him in a way|||YES! I feel like she thinks its not a big deal that she is knocked up. And it's probably Shanes OF COURSE. Ugh. Of course they had to do that!|||I agree. I think there was something going on, and I also hate Andrea. And Shane.|||Maybe so but Andrea's worse. They can throw that ***** in the zombie barn for shooting Daryl.

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