Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How did the outbreak start happen on the walking dead?

I didnt watch season 1How did the outbreak start happen on the walking dead?
they really didnt show how it started
First, you need to watch Season 1 immediately. Even with just six episodes, it was probably the best first season for any regular cable horror series. Even as the show progresses, season 1 will, without a doubt, be regarded as the shows best season.

I started watching at the beginning of season two and went back and watched the previous season to clarify the story so far. While I won't say season two is disappointing, it will eventually be 13 episodes, versus only 6 from the first one but, the pace was much slower this season. I'm hoping things pick up for the second half of this season. With Frank Darabont leaving the show, writing staff changes and budget cuts it was kind of inevitable that the show would suffer a bit. Not to discredit this season so far but, season 1 was pretty brilliant in comparison.

Anyway, the cause of the outbreak was never revealed and probably never will be. The final episode in season one has some insight into the transformation into a walker as well as a secret shared with Rick that he has not yet revealed possibly about the cause, which may later be touched upon.

However, the purpose of the story, unlike some other zombie series, is more about the aftermath of it all, rather than the cause. Civilization as they know it has ended, and there is little hope from what they have seen for people actively understanding and researching a reason/cure for it - most doctors, scientists are dead at this point at least in their vicinity.

The focus is more on the struggle to survive at this point and people's attempts to get along with each other is a post-apocalypse zombie world.

Again, its probably doubtful any cause will ever be revealed unless its towards the very end of the show. For now we may get bits and pieces as to what happened but nothing ever conclusive I'm sure.How did the outbreak start happen on the walking dead?
In the Season 1 finale, we learned it is caused by a virus, that kills the person, then reanimates some primitive functions of the brain, like moving and wanting to feed. Higher brain functions remain dead.

We have not found out yet where this started, or if it's a natural or man-made virus.How did the outbreak start happen on the walking dead?
the creator Kirkman said from the start of the comic that he didnt care what caused it because its not really that important. The comics were about the PEOPLE and how THEY deal with life in a world where the dead rise and eat the living!

I assume the tv show is the same.

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